1 year /
1 country /
2 islands /
1 person /
1 bike /
little baggage /
and miles of trails to be found /
let's see if it works out ;)
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
the views are even great with the bad weather and always a nice cause for a pause ;)
could easily be on some trail in Finale Ligure :)
Every now and then there are nice picnic sites along the way
absolutely amazing to ride through this rainforest
No way of ride the bike up there with all baggage or without.
Took me ~45min to push the bike up that 1st section incl getting dressed up for a rainy day in this jungle
starting point @ Ship Cove
...and sight to the left of the boat... looks like the weather is about to change a bit
sight to the right side of the boat...
another beautiful bay
Beautiful sunny day :) And the drive through the sounds is just amazing...
departure in Picton the next morning. Heading for Ship Cove, start of Queen Charlotte Trek :)
1st sight of the south island. Just another 30min till arrival in Picton