Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Just a short day today...
Only 30kms to cover between Takaka and the Innlet... I already found the adress of it in my GPS (I'm sooo glad I have that!!! Don't want to miss it here anymore) so it should be quite easy going...
So I started around 12 highnoon directly into the heat. ...and into the wind *damnit!!*
The road was not very interesting and the wind almost blew me off my bike coming from the front once again.
Had a 2nd breakfast after the first kms and decided to use the oppurtunity of travelling not far today and at slow speeds to basically listen to music and just cycle kind of by the way.
And that worked really fine, gladly :)

The only problem was, that the nice GPS I liked so much, didn't really get it that I just wanted to end up in the hostel called the Innlet and not at that waterfilled innlet that is several kms further out in direction of the Farewell Spit *grrrmpf*
So it wasin the end not only 30kms but another 50...

Anyways... I'm glad I made that way! :)

on the way between the booming megacities of Takaka and Collingwood ;)