Did the complete circuit of Lake Roititi on my last day up here.
At the end of the day the GPS told it was 40,3km all together... (with an overall average speed of a bit over 6km/h I'm quite content indeed ;) )
This day was absolutely fabulous. Weather couldn't have been much better and the walking was soooo fine (met within the first 30min 5 people coming from the opposite direction, but afterwards there was absolutely nobody around) :)
The way had something new every now and then and so it stayed interesting during the whole day.
Now I'm really done but happy :)
Let's see if I can do the whole trip back to Nelson within one day tomorrow as I planned it to...
But if I can't move I'll try out if it's possible to hitchhike with a bike ;)
Already booked my next 3 night in the hostel I stayed before in Nelson, so there is no other way but going the distance.
Now I'll try out if the shower is – now – working and then have a close look at the inside of my tent and sleeping bag :)
good night & byebye Nelson Lakes