Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Wanaka - Plantation cross country track


That trail is bit more cc style at first, but a REAL nice one :)
It was kind of my birthday present yesterday ;)
With some ups and downs at the beginning it's 3 times longer then the other trails around.
You can link it up with a nice uphill part at the end of it (which make up for some seriously great nightriding downwards - did that few times during the next days then ;) ) to get to the top and beginning of allthe other trails again.
U could spend sooooo much time out here just figuering out how to combine up and down trails for some epic rides ;) just sweet as :)

it's the same little drop on that trail and I think we both hit it with the same speed, but it just doesn't look as good when I do it ;( at least I have the same fun doing it :)

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